Inside of Node.js

Isuru Sahan Kumarasingha
2 min readMay 13, 2022


Node.js use non-blocking, event-driven I/O to remain lightweight and efficient in the face of data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Node.js use Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

NodeJS being light weight and efficient. Because uses an asynchronous event-driven I/O model, ensuring that almost no function in Node directly performs I/O.

What is NPM?

npm is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform. It installs modules so that node can discover them and intelligently resolves dependency issues. It may be configured to support a wide range of scenarios. It’s most widely used for publishing, discovering, installing, and developing node programs.

Useful libraries available on Node.js

▪️ Async.js
▪️ Request
▪️ Browserify
▪️ React
▪️ Grunt
▪️ PM2
▪️ UglifyJS2
▪️ JSHint
▪️ Morgan

Let’s look at what are ideal use cases for the node.js applications, advantages, and disadvantages.

Node.js ideal use cases

Data Streaming Apps
Server-Side Proxy
Big Data Analytics
Wireless Connectivity
System Monitoring Dashboard
Real-Time Data Apps
Queued I/O output

Advantages of Node.js

Efficient performance
Easier development process
Reusable code
Ability to scale smoothly
Prompt code execution
Asynchronous and event-driven
Supported by leading companies

Disadvantages of Node.js

Performance bottlenecks with heavy computation tasks
Callback hell issue
Immaturity of tooling
Growing demand for experienced professionals



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