NoSQL with MongoDB

Isuru Sahan Kumarasingha
2 min readMay 13, 2022


What is NoSQL?

Non-tabular databases aka ‘not only SQL’ (NoSQL) databases use to store data differently than relational tables. The main type of data models are: document, key-value, wide-column, and graph.

Types and usage of NoSQL data models

Document Databases: ecommerce platforms, trading platforms, mobile app development

Key-Value Stores: shopping carts, user preferences, user profiles

Column-Oriented Databases: analytics

Graph Databases : fraud detection, social networks, knowledge graphs

What is MongoDB?

Mongo DB is a Document database used to build highly available and scalable internet applications.

Mongo DB is popular with developers who use agile methodologies. Because its flexible schema approach.

lets see some of MongoDB Operations.

assumptions: database collection name students

Insert Operations

“name”: “Smith”,
“dateOfBirth”: “1990–01–15T00:00:00Z”,
“subjects”: [“Application frameworks”, “Computer architecture”],
“isActive”: true

to insert a record you can use insertOne operation with the document

Find Operation


db.students.find({_id: ObjectId(“62405b3bc7bf03b7aefbe4e4”)})

using find operation you can find records according to entered key and value.

Update Operation


updateOne operation gets a unique field as a first parameter. Then you can pass the required part to be updated with the $set keyword.

How to add a new element in to an array?

So, in order to do that you can use $push keyword. This example shows, how to add an element to an existing array called “subjects”

{$push:{subjects:”Distributed Computing”}})

Delete Operation




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